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Vertical cover actions in Sailfish 2.0

asked 2015-03-15 00:12:59 +0200

updated 2015-03-18 11:29:22 +0200


Sailfish 2.0 is Jolla reinventing itself to compete in this tough market and that's a good thing. The new UI seems like a radical change until you remember that this is Meego on N9 with the get-your-appgrid-everywhere enhancement...which is actually great.

My issue however is that I'm going to be forced to use widgets, and the worst part is that these widgets have only one button!

I understand that the horizontal cover actions conflict with the side interactions of the new UX.

I suggest exploiting the fact that the vertical swipes are non-conflictual, and transpose our beloved cover actions from left&right to up and down. The thumb's vertical travel becomes an asset again.

However, in order to accommodate the Android converts, both these cover actions can be touch enabled so that newcomers use active covers like widgets by jabbing at tiny icons, while the truly UnLike from the start can still swipe away to pause or skip.

Thanks, Nyonglema

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Changing gestural cover actions to buttons is the only thing on Sailfish OS 2.0 I don't like. Giving up the horizontal home pages and changing them to swipes can bring the gestural cover actions back.

AliN ( 2015-03-15 05:44:50 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2015-03-15 00:31:58 +0200

nodevel gravatar image

The thing is, vertical swipes are conflictual as well - in SailfishOS 2.0 are the app covers scrollable (you can have more than one screen). I am trying to figure out the way how to do it for almost two weeks now and I have even made a mockup in QML and will share it once I fix some problems with it.

My idea was also vertical gestures, but only if there is one screen of apps or only if you are at the top. The idea was just a "flick down", resembling the pulldown menu gesture.

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Could the multiple covers instead grow into a new horizontal page? Of course the tradeoff is that third party content is one more window away?

nyonglema ( 2015-03-15 16:49:45 +0200 )edit

I don't think that's viable - remember that app covers stay in their place in v2.0 (don't reorder like they do now), so if you opened an app from the second screen, the events view would be two swipes away from there (3 swipes from an app). The events view situation in v2.0 is quite bad already.

It's a tricky situation.

nodevel ( 2015-03-15 17:39:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-03-15 10:37:02 +0200

droll gravatar image

How about doing clockwise and anticlockwise finger rotation on the cover? Keeping the circle within the cover may not be entirely necessary to ease the inaccuracy of the human finger but it should at least start inside the cover. i don't know if this will work or its a dumb idea but it would eliminate the vertical vs horizontal conflict. it might be less intuitive though.

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Sounds good. Intuitivity could be added by showing corresponding halfcircle arrows.

mosen ( 2015-03-15 11:10:15 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-03-18 02:54:41 +0200

chemist gravatar image

Both directions are made conflicting cover-actions as all gestures got duplicated to be pulls additional to swipes (inside gesture + outside gestures are the same on home-screen, apart of pulling down), obviously this is a step back as you mentioned. It is also a huge step fwd, but not the always-on launcher, the better events-view is and gets downgraded to a drawable page... and all for the sake of new users... I doubt that people don't buy a Jolla because they do not understand the gestures in the first 30 seconds, it is because they ask questions in the first 30sec where the answer is then "ney" so they turn to something else...!

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That's it. "For the sake of new users." I once was a new user, too. Never asked 'stupid' questions. Especially, not after checking the user guide and the tutorial app. Yeah, checking the tutorial shows the essence of the UI.

I have an SGSIII as a work phone. I hate using it. I try to swipe-close an app, notifications roll down... pf.. I like SFOS2, but still, to me the UI is more of an Android launcher... which I don't like much... sorry.

LVPVS out.

LVPVS ( 2015-03-18 23:21:28 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-03-18 01:46:01 +0200

M.Bln. gravatar image

There are many discussions about swiping actions, compare here: https://together.jolla.com/question/85733/suggestion-for-solving-conflict-of-interest-for-the-cover-gesture-by-sfos-20

I would recommend a more general solution like requested here: https://together.jolla.com/question/86919/feature-request-make-all-gestures-fully-configurable/?sort=votes&page=1 ...and also mentioned in my answer post to the first link here: https://together.jolla.com/question/85733/suggestion-for-solving-conflict-of-interest-for-the-cover-gesture-by-sfos-20/?answer=87098#post-id-87098

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Asked: 2015-03-15 00:12:59 +0200

Seen: 763 times

Last updated: Mar 18 '15