The clock is not updated during a call. [not relevant]
The clock freezes to the value it has when a call is started. It should show current time instead of time when the call has started.
Also, initially (when you select a person from the list of recent calls) the clock actually displays the time of the previous call. The call time itself does not even belong to the caller.
Check the times against the last two calls you have made, call the 2nd most recent. Note that the time in the small clock is the one from the most recent call. Hang up, go back to the list. Now the most recent and 2nd most recent switched places (obviously), the time calls were made however stayed at the old positions.
I would like to add that this is still present in
To add more details to this bug report, only the small clock in the upper right corner of the phone application is not being updated. The main clock is updated during a call (reproduced this with an incoming call).
Cmdr_Zod ( 2014-01-02 16:14:37 +0200 )editI just noticed this bug as well today.
Cristian ( 2014-01-02 20:52:46 +0200 )editI noticed this too, and checked the clock on the lock screen which was updated as Cmdr_Zod also notes, so I thought: Maybe this is meant to be this way...?
So You're able to see WHEN You RECEIVED the call...?
Not sure in any way, but I thought that maybe that was the idea...?
DrWilken ( 2014-01-08 18:59:31 +0200 )editIf what DrWilken speculated was the idea, it certainly should rather have the current time also visible, because at least I don't want to calculate the current time from the call duration counter.
This behavior seems to be unchanged in
AnonUser3396 ( 2014-04-22 18:20:38 +0200 )editI also have the small clock freezing at time call commences and call list displays the wrong times until it is refreshed when the correct times are then displayed.
richardski ( 2014-09-09 09:25:49 +0200 )edit