2015-03-18 15:37:40 +0200
Define "Linux software". This is not an exact term. Basically, what we probably think of when we hear it ("software that also runs on my Ubuntu laptop" or somthing like that) does not depend on the CPU type. That's the whole point of free software: Someone can grab the source code and compile it for ARM instead of X86 (in principle and most cases), as has been done for older members of this smartphone family (N900, N9) and the Jolla phone itself. contains a fine selection of classics from the good old GNU/Linux desktop world that were compiled and packaged for the Jolla phone. I'd expect you'll see them again for the tablet.
The limiting factor was (or rather: is) not the CPU type, but the dependencies a typical desktop application may rely upon. In order to port, say, the Gimp over to the Jolla tablet, you'd need to have some essential building blocks that Gimp just expects to be there. If they aren't on the Jolla phone/tablet, you can take their sources and compile them. While doing so you'll find there's still another unresolved dependency that they rely upon... until you eventually run out of time or hit a brick wall. One of these brick walls may very often be that desktop applications depend on graphical toolkits that were made for the traditional X11 framework; Sailfish OS uses X11's successor Wayland, and these two worlds are still miles apart (although people work on compatibility). You're likely to get a problem here whenever you try to port an application with any kind of graphical user interface.
However, the good news is that especially command line tools are already being ported. They form the building blocks of other applications, so with each command line tool at, there' one potential dependency resolved. :)
Limiting factor might be missing xwayland as of yet.
chemist ( 2015-03-18 14:21:02 +0200 )edit