Will Angry Birds the game come to Sailfish OS ? [not relevant]
I am just wondering if the tie up between Jolla and Angry Birds would ever lead to an actual playable game on Sailfish os?
Both Jolla and Rovio are Finnish companies and I am really happy to see the Stella OTOH but I was actually of impression that you would also get a game included. I never had one as it wasnt for sale but all I know is it changes the theme !
I am looking forwards for an actual game by one finnish company to the other !
I rather suspect that Rovio's view is that Angry Birds already runs perfectly well on the Jolla, thanks to Alien Dalvik, so why waste resources creating a native port?
And I suspect that this is the view of other developers as well (particularly while it is still impossible for them to charge for their products through the Jolla store)
strongm ( 2015-03-23 14:39:28 +0200 )edit