multitask on home screen [not relevant]
asked 2015-03-23 09:01:59 +0200

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why i must have all apps open on home screen? i have all buttons that i need in home i find that is useless and no nice to see thats my opinion but after some years with android i find less possibility to personalize sailfish . this and notification management are two thinks that must be correct to have a good experience with jolla
Real multitasking is a feature not a burden and one of the most annoying shortcomings of android, right after the hardware back-button. What do I need 5 screens to sort widgets on or desktop icons... if you want lots of icons on the home-screen you may make the fav-bar 4 folders instead of icons...
chemist ( 2015-03-23 12:33:00 +0200 )editi have buy jolla for try a new experience and if i write is because i like to be part of this community. but android is better in management of notification and possibility of personalization i say this because if other persons think the same is better move in that direction if not ok everyone can do their choices
collegnopaolo ( 2015-03-23 14:13:09 +0200 )editWhat do you mean by "personalization"? Icons, changeable, widgets: no use, covers. "Theme": Ambiances. (IMO) (yes I agree, notifications should be better)
tathhu ( 2015-03-23 14:15:30 +0200 )editok sorry for my english i mean that if i like something my os leave me do this . i like android because if i whant a clear home ok i can if i whant icons or widgets ok i can i like the possibility of choice if we can do something better for us why not? i hope sailfish in future can do all that i like no i must do what it leave me . i thing all of us have a different vision of os and i hope all together can do this with sailfish.
collegnopaolo ( 2015-03-23 17:34:12 +0200 )edit@collegnopaolo So you basically want to remove the #1 feature of SailfishOS - real multitasking - and have a dumbed down OS like Android?
nodevel ( 2015-03-23 17:45:39 +0200 )edit