Show country name when detected from incoming call phone number
When getting calls from numbers that include a country prefix (e.g. +xxx, 00xxx or similar), it would be nice to show the country name (and possibly flag) of that prefix next to the phone number. This would give the user more facts about the caller when deciding whether to answer a call from a previously unknown number or not.
This should be fairly easy to implement since the set of prefixes are supposedly rather static.
As a stretch goal, could even dig deeper into country-specific area codes to show what part of the country / whether it's a mobile phone area code, a service number etc. This might already require having some database that is kept up-to-date using some synchronization model. Perhaps even some kind of (jolla-specific?) wiki could be used to maintain the database even for ultimate precision (tm) :)
This would be a really useful feature, and can potentially save the person receiving the call money.
Ryan ( 2015-03-24 11:38:47 +0200 )edit seems legit. It has offline mode and various other goodies.
VilleWitt ( 2015-03-31 11:33:36 +0200 )edit