[feature/app request] encryption for Dropbox & Co.

asked 2015-03-31 22:29:40 +0200

M.Bln. gravatar image

updated 2015-04-01 01:04:34 +0200

When using cloud storage its important to encrypt the files you save or share. There are some tools which offer encryption and good integration in cloud storages like Dropbox, for example BoxCryptor or Sookasa.

It would be great to have a function like BoxCryptor (free, non FOSS) or Sookasa (FOSS) also for Jolla to secure the use of cloud storages. Best to have it naturally integrated, but would be fine as app as well.

For details see... http://www.sookasa.com/ https://www.boxcryptor.com/de/boxcryptor

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Have a look at Simple & quick file backup. In combination with rclone you can realize your self encrypted cloud and you can configure how often it should be synced.

Olsen ( 2018-01-29 22:09:24 +0200 )edit