Timer on password enter synchronization
After x seconds the google login is reverted back to the accounts page. This is too short for a really safe password (100 characters).
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After x seconds the google login is reverted back to the accounts page. This is too short for a really safe password (100 characters).
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Asked: 2014-01-03 01:41:05 +0200
Seen: 156 times
Last updated: Mar 02 '14
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Don't really get what you're going for here, and 100 characters is definetly overkill
Bulder ( 2014-01-03 01:49:27 +0200 )editwell, it's bad that there's a countdown on password entering. If I get up till 49 characters ( I counted ) before hitting timelimit), while typing ridiculously fast, others may get into trouble here. I ended up entering it in the notes application and copying.
nander ( 2014-01-03 02:07:14 +0200 )edit