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[idea] Ambiance concept - is this the right way?

asked 2015-05-07 12:55:02 +0200

cuh7b5 gravatar image

This is more like a conceptual question, not a feature request or bug ticket. I would like to share my thoughts on the ambiance concept. You can downvote this post if you disagree or upvote if you agree, I am really curious about your opinion on this topic. I am not a rebel, I just love my Jolla and see a feature which does not fit in the whole Jolla philosophy in my opinion.

In my point of view ambiances is nothing more than an "UNLIKE" concept. Apart from its novelty it does not bring any usable features. Who wants to change the theme of their phones according to their mood or the plastic cover of their phones? How many of us even have more than one colour other halves? Who wants to change their ringtones (not the volume but the tune itself) anyway? I will not recognise that my phone rings because it had another melody last time.

The only thing which is useful is to change the ringing volume of the phone in certain situations. Related to this, I have to mention that the separation of the default volume and the ambiance volume is a mess. There is a post on this topic here.

Instead of having a toy to change colours and ringtones of the phone a featureful profile management system would be much more welcome. There are many good ideas and requests here on TJC for location-based, music-based, accessory-based, even weather-based etc. ambiances which gets closer to my point but it seems that Sailfish OS is far from them all.

Situations app got mature by now for changing services of the phone automatically based on different conditions. This covers pretty much every situations one can imagine for phone-behavior changes and above all, does it automatically. I use this app and forget all about ambiances.

OK, ambiances do not disturb me, I simply don't use them. Although I am afraid that Sailfish OS 2.0 would strengthen this concept by placing the ambiance switcher to a main gesture available from everywhere (i.e. the downwards gesture where the app close and phone lock are in 1.x OS). I hope that Jolla will not sacrifice essentially functional gestures for giving us an ambiance switcher. You can read more on this here.

In my opinion ambiances need to be extended to be a sophisticated built-in profile manager (i.e. toggle features like internet connection, flight mode, power saving mode, chat availability, etc., setting volume, brightness or even opening apps or running custom scripts when an abmiance is selected), and optionally switch profiles automatically based on different conditions. Until then ambiances are pretty useless for me.

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I agree somewhat here, I kind of like the idea of ambiences and I did actually use them, it is not nor should be a 'main feature' of the phone or its raison d'être........ it is a novelty feature and that's about it, more annoyingly it's broke anyway -

you sit there changing 10 ambiences like I did, only to find out all the settings don't save anyway and they all revert back to defaults, thereby rendering the concept completely useless, and it seems a fix for this very basic - 'essential/unlike/feature' - they banged on about - is not being taken or viewed as something 'urgent' even though apparently it's been broke since day 1, poor Jolla, poor, by any standards. The only thing it's unlike, is a feature that works.

davekelly ( 2015-05-07 13:10:10 +0200 )edit

Regarding your second paragraph: It's useless to ask such questions, because nobody knows the answer. Even if you don't like it someone else probably does. Still, I think you're right to question the feature, because then Jolla can question & rethink the situation. However, it is also novel and incomplete feature. Why be so quick to shoot everything new down? I don't see why everyone is in such hurry. Let the concept grow for a while (a year or two more, maybe? They don't have thousands of employees). It is a feature that the Jolla guys clearly believe that will be useful and cool. While they're not always right, I'm sure they're clever enough to notice if it's useless and do necessary research to find out whether people like it or not. If it sucks in the end, I'm sure they will remove it. If not, they'll keep it.

Acce ( 2015-05-07 19:06:59 +0200 )edit

I have 5 TOHs, I use ambiences as exactly ambiences atm, with added toggles like wlan/bt/accounts I will also use it to its full potential. My work ambience is high contrast low-light friendly with a ringtone that isn't much disturbing at a fitting volume...and so on... use what is there and if you want to have all the same ringtone, where is the deal to setup 5 ambiences with the same set of ringtones?

chemist ( 2015-05-08 12:51:41 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-05-07 13:05:16 +0200

evo3de gravatar image

In SailfishOs 2.0 there comes the features planned at begin of the ambiance idea. all or a whole systemsettings like wlan / mobile /gps /etc. are ambiancespecific.

So on 2.0 if you cange ambiance to turn of wlan /mobil / ringtone (sleep), wlan off, mobile on, Bt on, gps on (car) etc.

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Why the heck does this feature need to be called 'ambience'? It's called 'profile' in most other places. New users looking for that functionality quite easily conclude Jolla doesn't have that thing, just because it's been given a strange name.

Besides that, I'm not sure what is useful about the concept, I use the situations app ever since it came out for Jolla, and it does exactly what it's supposed to (well, yeah, you can't set the background... yet). Jolla should pay the situations guys some pocket money and spend the money wasted on ambiences elsewhere. (Same goes IMHO for the browser, btw.... Pay opera to put the Jolla logo in there and the browser problems are solved.)

Jolly-Jo ( 2015-05-07 13:15:12 +0200 )edit

@Jolly-Jo you are very subjective here, you don't like that it is not called profiles like you are used to, you would like to have opera as default browser etc - to add my subjectiveness... opera is the worst ever and I am still glad I dropped it 10 years ago and am familiar with others, the sailfish-browser is FOSS btw.

chemist ( 2015-05-08 12:48:37 +0200 )edit


My point is not that I don't like the name 'ambience'. My point is that when I got my Jolla I was led to believe Jolla doesn't have that kind of functionality. First of all the name 'ambience' is not used anywhere else, and second of all it is quite misleading that the whole ambience thing is based on the background picture. In reality many people would like to change display brightness, connectivity, etc. with a single action, but don't give a damn about the background picture.

The sailfish-browser might be FOSS, but it first of all just does not work. Half the websites I visit are rendered badly or are rendered in such a way that already loaded content keeps moving in front of me. So I have to keep scrolling to read text until the whole page is loaded, which might take rather long on mobile data. Also, many web pages' Javascript-based links are not clickable for some reason in the current version (again, this problem had vanished in the mean time). And then it is just not acceptable that you cannot copy-paste text. With firefox, when you see a phone number on a web page, you tap it, and it allows you to call that number straight. And yes, this feature does work on sailfish with Android Firefox! With the native browser you cannot even copy the phone number to the clipboard in order to paste it into the phone app... And don't tell me about the patches for that functionality, they are a pain in the beep in terms of usability. Beat those arguments before calling me subjective.

PS: If you really dropped Android Opera 10 years ago, you might want to give the latest version a try!

Jolly-Jo ( 2015-05-08 13:06:52 +0200 )edit

So how should changing the ambient colours be called then? The browser has its quirks and is buggy yes, but how about stop complaining and do something about it, how about you put your money where your mouth is and get on talk.maemo.org and offer developers money to work on the browser, maybe you find some people to join you and you get enough so you can get Maemo Community e.V. to take over, which then hires professional developers for working on open source parts of nemomobile you would like to change. Or even better, get Opera to release a native version...

chemist ( 2015-05-08 15:24:32 +0200 )edit

"So how should changing the ambient colours be called then?" - Background picture.

"how about stop complaining and do something about it" - I did, I dumped ambiences and the native browser and installed Situations and Opera.

"how about you put your money where your mouth is and get on talk.maemo.org and offer developers money to work on the browser" - I don't need to do that, there's perfectly good browsers around. All I'm saying is that IMHO ambiences and browser are a waste of money and Jolla could have spent that money more wisely elsewhere.

How about calming down.

Jolly-Jo ( 2015-05-08 15:33:50 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-05-07 13:12:09 +0200

lakutalo gravatar image

updated 2015-05-07 13:29:27 +0200

Good news :) Your concerns may already be answered in your favour by this post from Jolla's Chief UI designer: https://together.jolla.com/question/397/screenborder-swipe/?answer=9299#post-id-9299

So the status quo seems only to be an intermediate step.

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Asked: 2015-05-07 12:55:02 +0200

Seen: 532 times

Last updated: May 07 '15