Suggestion to move (media-)files to SD card [released]

asked 2015-06-03 13:17:00 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2015-06-24 12:50:42 +0200

raketti gravatar image

I have a lot of media on my Jolla, including pictures, videos, music and documents. While the Jolla memory is almost always full, I can barely ever fill my 32Gb microSD card. Currently there is no easy/convenient way to copy my files from /home to the microSD card. So far I've done it using 3rd-party app "File Browser" and the cut&paste option.

I think there should be an easier way to manage files between those two memory option.

My suggestion:

  • In Gallery / Media / Documents app, long-press on the file gives the option "Move to memory card" or "Move to phone memory". This option should appear only if a memory card is in use. At the moment only the option "Delete" appears. Similar option when chosing "Select files" (see picture below).
  • The files would be moved from /home/Videos to SDcard/Videos (same with folder Pictures, Music, Documents,...). Folder name would be duplicated automatically to memory card.
  • A feedback/notification that file(s) copied successfully
  • Files would still be indexed and shown in apps as before (which is already the case with Sailfish OS)

I created a screenshot to illustrate my idea (example with pictures, but would be the same with other media files):

image description

I came up with this idea thanks to a fresh Jolla user I know, who was suprised that there is no easier way to use his microSD card. Please share and vote, plus bring in your own ideas. Thank you :-)

EDIT: "Option to move photos and media from internal memory to SD card" can be found in official SailfishOS roadmap (Scheduled start - March '15). It hasn't been implement yet:

Note: An item listed is expected to be scheduled for starting implementation on the particular month/quarter specified.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by molan
close date 2018-12-11 16:08:49.209431



This is somewhat a duplicate with: os-is-not-making-proper-use-of-the-sd-card. So you could edit that, as it has a lot of votes already.

Also see camera-cant-store-pictures-to-sd-card for issues related to camera and the sdcard issue.

raketti ( 2015-06-03 14:31:40 +0200 )edit

The above being said, I wonder if this request would like to concentrate more on a) being able to select multiple photos b) having a variety of functions to be performed on all selected photos, the most obvious one being sharing.

Functions to perfrom "en masse" to selected photos would be: send via email, share to Social Network, Send via Bluetooth, Transfer to SD.

Would this make sense to any other user?

cjp ( 2015-06-03 15:44:47 +0200 )edit

@raketti: Thank you for your suggestions. I just read your links and will look at them again once I have more time :-) I'll see what I can edit there, thanks! As this is a straight GUI suggestion and not about general support of microSD card I don't see it as a duplicate...

molan ( 2015-06-03 16:37:24 +0200 )edit

@cjp: That's a very good question and good thinking! There would be space for more functions used on a selection of file. As far as I know it's not possible to share several files at the moment (for example share several pictures from within Gallery). I want to check how other systems handle this.

molan ( 2015-06-03 16:43:32 +0200 )edit

@caprico - that's true. :) Also some of the suggestions from @cjp could be added. I don't agree on adding too much options, sharing online - one rarely shares a loads of photos to FB. But, as always your mileage may vary. :)

So I'd suggest to add the following and making the pop-up menu to a list rather than row of icons:

  • Copy / move to external memory card
  • Send by mail
  • Send via BT
raketti ( 2015-06-03 16:44:26 +0200 )edit