Mobile connection problems
Hi. My phone had a fylesystem corruption and I had to send it to repair. I sent the phone on may 27, and yestersay I recieved a "new" phone. The first thing I noted is that the new phone has a little scratch on the black top border. If Jolla swapped my phone is strange to recieve a phone that is in worst condition (my phone was perfect, like a new one ) But the worst part of the history is that this phone doesn't work well. Wifi works ok but 2G/3G/4G not. If wifi is on I can recieve calls and 4G is up most of the time, but if I turn off wifi, 4G/3G/2G most of the time doesn't work. The worst part of this is that phone signal most of the time is off and I can't recieve calls. I tried the following steps:
- Remove the SIM several times to ensure that it was ok. Also I tried to use the sime on two different phones and it works. Also I tried to use a secondary sim on my jolla but with this SIM nothing works, data or phone. The secondary SIM works ok in two different phones.
- Reboot the phone several times.
- I tried this with 1.1.4 and with 1.1.6. In both cases I had the same problem. Also I did factory reset, and test it again with same results.
- Check data network config several times, it was ok.
- Using airplane mode and disable it several times. This bring the phone signal and data signal back, but for a limited time.
Any ideas ?
Is it a new one or is it your old one?, I think you should try to establish that first. If it's meant to be NEW, it shouldn't have a mark on it. Was the box sealed when you got the 'new' one?. Do you know if the 'new' phone has the same IMEI as your original one?, that would be a sure fire way to know, but not everyone records the IMEI of their phone.
Spam Hunter ( 2015-06-20 21:54:39 +0200 )editIt's a new one. Jolla said that on the repair report. I have the original box and yes, the IMEI is different and my phone was in perfect shape.
Mika77 ( 2015-06-21 19:06:34 +0200 )edit