[req] music player option pause/mix with system tones

asked 2015-06-22 00:21:15 +0200

pan tau gravatar image

updated 2015-06-22 00:22:35 +0200

listening music in car or with headphones needs option to set "mix system tones with music" and then system should only adjust music volume, mix with IM , SMS, Ringtone, without stopping music and then smoothly increase sound volume back.

current pause, play tone, resume music while it is all on loud is way distracting

pause music only when incomming call is answered and while calling out let the music plays until called person answers, keep listening of music in backround while it rings and called party doesnt answer ....

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Same here, but dont think the musik gets pasued, it just gets muted and plays on in the background. maybe this is a Problem with pulseaudio, had a similar problem on my pc. im not shure wether i solved it or it solved itself. I will try to dig something out.

[Edit] pulseadio in sailfsih loads module-role-corking by default, thats why the sound of notifications silences the music. to disable that u can unload that module with the commandline with "pactl unload-module module-role-cork" or comment it out in /etc/pulse/default.pa and restart pulseaudio. There might be the possibility to just lower the musicstream with module-role-ducking, but thats something i will not temper with by myself.

Hades0299 ( 2015-09-21 14:49:51 +0200 )edit