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can't enable android notifications, settings greyed

asked 2015-06-27 19:34:55 +0300

catorghans gravatar image

updated 2015-07-01 23:12:42 +0300

ssahla gravatar image

All apps that I downloaded, both jolla and android apps are greyed out in Settings-Apps. I have done everything in https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203442828-Setting-up-WhatsApp-for-Android-on-your-Jolla-device, but at step 4 it gives me a greyed out aptoid and whatsapp.

I have installed Sailfish Utilities, but options in there have no effect.

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-06-27 19:44:18 +0300

ssahla gravatar image

updated 2015-06-27 19:44:51 +0300

I think the help document you linked is describing a feature that hasn't been released yet. In this developer mail it's said that the "Option to allow Android app's background services to start on bootup (Settings->Apps->[app_name])" will be released in upgrade 1.1.7.

At the moment, 3rd party Sailfish apps can't use Settings -> Apps for settings, so the icons for most apps are greyed out. Only a few official Jolla apps have their settings there.

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thanks, will wait for 1.1.7 then

catorghans ( 2015-06-27 19:48:15 +0300 )edit

Is there any way to access the Android apps settings that lay there under the OS settings on Android devices? I mean, I have my Google Chrome app acting up on me, giving the "Oh booger" message all the time, and the help link provided suggests that when that keeps happening on mobile device you should go to your Android settings - Chrome and empty everything from there. On Jolla, can you? Removing and reinstalling the app won't do the trick, I guess some files survive the process and continue their harassing on the new installation. And yes, I know, I should make a better choice on browser, but on general note it's a lack on the Android layer thingy if there are settings on the apps that are unaccessible on Sailfish.

teemu ( 2015-06-28 10:59:43 +0300 )edit

answered 2015-07-25 14:12:52 +0300

sugaryenigma gravatar image

I have WhatsApp and other Android notifications working now on 1.1.7 (pre release). Initially most of the Android apps were greyed out in settings but when I uninstalled and re-installed apps (e.g. WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Instagram) it stopped being greyed out and I was able to turn on background services for those apps. I've installed Google Play and Google Play Services on my Jolla (not sure if that matters - adding it for information). The only downside is that all notifications are showing "I" instead on the app icon, which is a minor inconvenience in comparison to finally getting background notifications for Android apps.

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Asked: 2015-06-27 19:34:55 +0300

Seen: 2,614 times

Last updated: Jul 25 '15