Update kernel
asked 2015-06-30 07:03:16 +0200

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I know this has been brought up in the past but it fragments over multiple threads without having a official answer from Jolla. So hopefully this time we'll get one.
This is a request to update the kernel of the Jolla Smartphone. Can't do that cause of binary blobs from Qualcomm? Replace them with the (better) open-source drivers. That means:
- GPU: Freedreno. Pros: Full OpenGL support. Qualcomm supported (prove: Code drop from "Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc." http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2014-October/070928.html - so in fact you get support from the kernel devs + support from qualcomm, so +100% support).
- W-LAN: Prima. Pros: Monitoring mode ( https://www.codeaurora.org/cgit/external/wlan/prima/ ).
So if you free up the kernel from binary blobs you
- Still have support from Qualcomm.
- Have support from the kernel devs (finally
cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted
returning 0). - Get more from the hardware (OpenGL, monitoring mode, ...).
With all that being said: Please update the kernel or tell us what's stopping you from doing so.
I don't think the problem is GPU or WLAN, rather it might be the telecom drivers...
juiceme ( 2015-06-30 09:31:41 +0200 )editSo modem drivers? I can't find any infos but chances are high the phone uses either Nokia Phonet/ISI, Qualcomm Gobi or both. These are supported by oFono (which, surprise, surprise, you already find in SailfishOS).
If my guessing is wrong and anyone has better informations about the modem chip(s) I'll do my best to find FOSS drivers for them. :)
V10lator ( 2015-06-30 10:36:41 +0200 )edit