[help] android firefox mobile profile folder location
hi, I had to reset the phone and before doing so I backed up some folders, including home and android_storage.
Looking online on Mozilla pages, the android firefox profile is stored in /data/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/mozilla/
but using the phone terminal as root I could only see android_storage/Android/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files but no mozilla folder. I found a TMO topic where it was told that firefox profile was in ~/.mozilla folder but I found that strange. Now I fear that this latter folder is the one used by jolla (firefox-based) folder, not by android firefox.
So the question is: where exactly is the Android firefox mobile profile folder on Jolla?
d'oh!!! NO I didn't :(
thanks for the tip, I'll edit the backup guide with that one
c.la ( 2015-07-13 15:06:09 +0200 )edit