2017-07-25 02:48:10 +0200
10635 ●181 ●247 ●252
Sailfish OS 2.1.1.x includes the option of installing the new 'Sailfish OS MDM Framework'.
The following comment by sledges is taken from here:
MDM is ability to access and setup a mobile device remotely. It's the Sailfish OS framework (enablers for MDM) that will be shipped only in devices of customers that require such capability, and those customers will be responsible for developing actual clients.
Vanilla Sailfish OS will be free from MDM, even though enablers (API) will still be there, however connecting and manipulating them requires elevated privileges, and also, those enablers are not exposed via TCP/IP.
A process with elevated privileges can naturally damage the device even in earlier SFOS versions (without MDM present), just like on a Linux desktop.
Moreover, if no MDM client is installed, MDM library would not exist on the system, and then even enablers would have no way of triggering themselves.
So is this API accessible by third party developers?
Reopening and retagging as
Tanghus ( 2014-07-22 05:25:18 +0200 )editfeature-request
. As this is not an implemented feature, there is no reason for closing it. That being said this could likely be implemented by the community as is open sourceI have not tried myself, but prey has been ported to SailfishOS by nieldk:
Rolfa ( 2014-07-28 15:12:21 +0200 )editIm using prey and it works for locating your phone. No extended features like lock, ring alarm etc. yet, though. The one on Openrepos is not longer working, but Nieldk made a more recent release as explained in the TMO thread.
inte ( 2015-06-25 15:47:52 +0200 )edit@Alex prey and tracking including data collected and stored amd sent to corporate servers somewhere without knowledge of data retention times, 2nd and 3rd party agreements of data use and just generally broad government indesciminate orders for data access, with gag orders not to tell anyone make those solutions dangerous and instead of imlroving safety for the user these solutions create unneccessary security risks.
DarkTuring ( 2017-07-25 03:56:45 +0200 )edit