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posted 2014-01-04 19:32:08 +0300

Proximity sensor on Alien Dalvik

Hey ;) The Proximity sensor in every Android app is still very lagging .. It's working, but not fast and exact as you need in Games. I know it's a little bug, but if you have a little time, maybe you can fix something? Thank you :)

Proximity sensor on Alien Dalvik

Hey ;) ;)

The Proximity sensor in every Android app is still very lagging .. It's working, but not fast and exact as you need in Games. I know it's a little bug, but if you have a little time, maybe you can fix something? Thank you :)

Proximity sensor on Alien Dalvik

Hey ;)

The Proximity sensor in every Android app is still very lagging .. It's working, but not fast and exact as you need in Games. I know it's a little bug, but if you have a little time, maybe you can fix something? Thank you :)

Proximity sensor on Alien Dalvik

Hey ;)

The Proximity sensor in every Android app is still very lagging .. It's working, but not fast and exact as you need in Games. I know it's a little bug, but if you have a little time, maybe you can fix something? Thank you :)