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initial version

posted 2015-07-27 10:41:58 +0200

Music search broken in


Searching for album/song/artist in Music app since is broken. When you go to any of those categories and bring the search text label, the keyboard is hidden on any key typed, so if you want to search for Joe, when you type J, the keyboad hides and results for J are shown. This didn't happended before.

Music search broken in


Searching for album/song/artist in Music app since is broken. When you go to any of those categories and bring the search text label, the keyboard is hidden on any key typed, so if you want to search for Joe, when you type J, the keyboad hides and results for J are shown. This didn't happended before.

Music search broken in


Searching for album/song/artist in Music app since is broken. When you go to any of those categories and bring the search text label, the keyboard is hidden on any key typed, so if you want to search for Joe, when you type J, the keyboad hides and results for J are shown. This didn't happended before.