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initial version

posted 2015-08-04 19:17:00 +0300

CSD Tool assumes there are no batterys with capacity higher than original

As the title says the CSD Tool has a value hardcoded ("Design maximum"), causing the test to fail for no reason with better batterys like this:

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CSD Tool assumes there are no batterys with capacity higher than original

As the title says the CSD Tool has a value hardcoded ("Design maximum"), causing the test to fail for no reason with better batterys batteries like this:

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CSD Tool assumes there are no batterys batteries with capacity higher than original

As the title says the CSD Tool has a value hardcoded ("Design maximum"), causing the test to fail for no reason with better batteries like this:

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CSD Tool assumes there are no batteries with capacity higher than original

As the title says the CSD Tool has a value hardcoded ("Design maximum"), causing the test to fail for no reason (when "Value" surpasses the hardcoded value, so when battery is fully charged as on screenshot) with better batteries like this:

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CSD Tool assumes there are no batteries with capacity higher than original

As the title says the CSD Tool has a value hardcoded ("Design maximum"), causing the test to fail for no reason (when "Value" surpasses the hardcoded value, so when battery is fully charged as on screenshot) with better batteries like this:

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And 12% charged ("Value" < "Design maximum") pass:

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