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posted 2013-12-25 13:01:33 +0200

Neo gravatar image

Sharing - dlna

Sharing photos, videos etc. to dlna enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - dlna

Sharing photos, videos etc. to dlna enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - dlnaDLNA

Sharing photos, videos etc. to dlna DLNA enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - DLNA

Sharing photos, videos videos, music etc. to DLNA enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - DLNA

Sharing photos, videos, music etc. to DLNA enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - DLNA

Sharing photos, videos, music etc. to DLNA enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).

Sharing - DLNADLNA (play to and play from)

Sharing photos, videos, music etc. to DLNA enabled devices would be a very nice feature (like the "play to DLNA" feature from N9).N9). Also playing media from other DLNA enabled devices (or server) to the phone.