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posted 2015-09-05 13:38:14 +0200

[Sailfish 2.0] Darker shadow below battery/time/connection indicators

Currently the battery/time/connection indicators on the home screen are white with only a very slight shadow behind them, this means that they are almost completely invisible on light/bright ambiences. A slightly stronger/darker shadow would probably be better. Doesn't need to be as dark as in the Events screen but it definitely works well there.

[Sailfish 2.0] Darker shadow below battery/time/connection indicators

Currently the battery/time/connection indicators on the home screen are white with only a very slight shadow behind them, this means that they are almost completely invisible on light/bright ambiences. A slightly stronger/darker shadow would probably be better. Doesn't need to be as dark as in the Events screen but it definitely works well there.

[Sailfish 2.0] [feature-request] Darker shadow below battery/time/connection indicators

Currently the battery/time/connection indicators on the home screen are white with only a very slight shadow behind them, this means that they are almost completely invisible on light/bright ambiences. A slightly stronger/darker shadow would probably be better. Doesn't need to be as dark as in the Events screen but it definitely works well there.

[feature-request] Darker shadow below battery/time/connection indicators

Currently the battery/time/connection indicators on the home screen are white with only a very slight shadow behind them, this means that they are almost completely invisible on light/bright ambiences. A slightly stronger/darker shadow would probably be better. Doesn't need to be as dark as in the Events screen but it definitely works well there.

EDIT: As a suggestion (and probably easy to implement in all text objects, not sure about icons) I'll leave this image to demonstrate a possible solution: White text with black outline