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posted 2014-01-06 09:58:02 +0200

Qt Creator reorders yaml file for no apparent reason

yaml files contain necessary information for Sailfish project thus those need to be kept is version control system. Whenever a Sailfish project is opened the yaml file is regenerated even though pro file has not changed at all. In fact yaml file seems to contain the exact same lines however the order has been changed.

It seems that at least sections PkgConfigBR and Files get reordered for no apparent reason. This means that the version control system sees difference in the file and wants to commit it back. This creates unnecessary commits and changes to the source tree.

Bug: Qt Creator reorders yaml file for no apparent reason

yaml files contain necessary information for Sailfish project thus those need to be kept is version control system. Whenever a Sailfish project is opened the yaml file is regenerated even though pro file has not changed at all. In fact yaml file seems to contain the exact same lines however the order has been changed.

It seems that at least sections PkgConfigBR and Files get reordered for no apparent reason. This means that the version control system sees difference in the file and wants to commit it back. This creates unnecessary commits and changes to the source tree.

Bug: Qt Creator reorders yaml file for no apparent reason

yaml files contain necessary information for Sailfish project thus those need to be kept is version control system. Whenever a Sailfish project is opened the yaml file is regenerated even though pro file has not changed at all. In fact yaml file seems to contain the exact same lines however the order has been changed.

It seems that at least sections PkgConfigBR and Files get reordered for no apparent reason. This means that the version control system sees difference in the file and wants to commit it back. This creates unnecessary commits and changes to the source tree.