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posted 2015-09-17 12:43:45 +0300 lost GPS mobile data

I upgraded to version few days ago. Today I noticed that I didn't have GPS data connection. No data connection icon, and all applications indicated no internet connection. I tried to turn off and turn on mobile GPS data several times, but no any luck. Finally, I put my mobile to flight mode (GPS modem turn off) and back to normal mode, and GPS data has worked after this. I think that this is a bug in new release. lost GPS mobile data

I upgraded to version few days ago. Today I noticed that I didn't have GPS data connection. No data connection icon, and all applications indicated no internet connection. I tried to turn off and turn on mobile GPS data several times, but no any luck. Finally, I put my mobile to flight mode (GPS modem turn off) and back to normal mode, and GPS mobile data has worked after this. I think that this is a bug in new release. lost mobile data

I upgraded to version few days ago. Today I noticed that I didn't have data connection. No data connection icon, and all applications indicated no internet connection. I tried to turn off and turn on mobile data several times, but no any luck. Finally, I put my mobile to flight mode (GPS modem turn off) and back to normal mode, and mobile data has worked after this. I think that this is a bug in new release. lost mobile data

I upgraded to version few days ago. Today I noticed that I didn't have data connection. No data connection icon, and all applications indicated no internet connection. I tried to turn off and turn on mobile data several times, but no any luck. Finally, I put my mobile to flight mode (GPS (GSM modem turn off) and back to normal mode, and mobile data has worked after this. I think that this is a bug in new release. lost mobile data

I upgraded to version few days ago. Today I noticed that I didn't have mobile data connection. No data connection icon, and all applications indicated no internet connection. I tried to turn off and turn on mobile data several times, but no any luck. Finally, I put my mobile to flight mode (GSM modem turn off) and back to normal mode, and mobile data has worked after this. I think that this is a bug in new release.