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posted 2015-09-17 14:46:19 +0200

How can I unlock my phone (MazeLock)

Hello everyone ! Here's the thing : I've downloaded Mazelock because it's super cool but I couldn't find a way to make it work. But when I did, I though I was able to do it again (because it was a simple thing),Nope. Now I can't do anything. Even in Recovery Mode, it is asking my code with number. I could I know that if it's a Mazelock ? Anyway, can someone helpme to unlock my phone ? I really don't want to send it to Jolla just for that...

How can I unlock my phone (MazeLock)

Hello everyone !

Here's the thing : I've downloaded Mazelock Mazelock because it's super cool but I couldn't find a way to make it work. But when I did, I though I was able to do it my code again (because it was a simple thing),Nope. Now I can't do anything. Even in Recovery Mode, it is asking my code with number. number to do something. I could I know that if it's a Mazelock ? Anyway, can someone helpme help me to unlock my phone ? I really don't want to send it to Jolla just for that...

How can I unlock my phone (MazeLock)

Hello everyone !

Here's the thing : I've downloaded Mazelock because it's super cool but I couldn't find a way to make it work. But when I did, I though I was able to do my code again (because it was a simple thing),Nope. Now I can't do anything. Even in Recovery Mode, it is asking my code with number to do something. I could I know that if it's a Mazelock ? Anyway, can someone help me to unlock my phone ? I really don't want to send it to Jolla just for that...