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posted 2015-10-12 12:50:15 +0200

Multiplied calendar alerts

If in google calendar I've got an event across multiple calendars than each time I got an alert about event it is multiplied regadless if in Jolla I mark calendar to follow or not. AFAIK e.g. in iphone you can silent notifications per calendar - that would be an option to fix such problem.

Multiplied calendar alerts

If Steps to reproduce:

  • create an event in google calendar I've got an event across multiple calendars than each time I got an alert about event it is multiplied regadless if in Jolla I mark calendar and invite 3 other people
  • remove notifications from yours calendar
  • add notifications to follow or not. AFAIK e.g. in iphone you can silent notifications per calendar - that would be an option other people's calendars

Expected result:

Not receiving any notifications.

Current result:

I'm receiving EACH notification binded to fix such problem.the event.