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posted 2014-01-07 18:36:41 +0200

bug cellular network connection icon displays no network

just noticed on my phone that the phone was showing no cellular network but i was able to receive a voice call. did a manual scan of available networks selected home network still no signal strength or operator name displayed. Reboot sorted out the issue.

bug cellular network connection [bug] icon displays no network"no network", but cellular connection works

just noticed on my phone that the phone was showing no cellular network but i was able to receive a voice call. did a manual scan of available networks selected home network still no signal strength or operator name displayed. Reboot sorted out the issue.

[bug] icon displays "no network", but cellular connection works

just noticed on my phone that the phone was showing no cellular network but i was able to receive a voice call. did a manual scan of available networks selected home network still no signal strength or operator name displayed. Reboot sorted out the issue.