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posted 2013-12-25 14:40:41 +0200

Reduce display brightness

Is it possible to reduce the brightness of the screen even further as the lowest setting in the UX allows?

Using most of the devices apps without any other source of light is good as long a dark ambiance has been chosen. But after opening the browser and instantly produces an almost 100% white screen that is incredible blinding even at the lowest brigthness settings.

Reduce display brightness

Is it possible to reduce the brightness of the screen even further as the lowest setting in the UX allows?

Using most of the devices apps without any other source of light is good as long a dark ambiance has been chosen. But after opening the browser and instantly produces an almost 100% white screen that is incredible blinding even at the lowest brigthness settings.

Reduce display brightness

Is it possible to reduce the brightness of the screen even further as the lowest setting in the UX allows?

Using most of the devices apps without any other source of light is good as long a dark ambiance has been chosen. But after opening the browser and instantly produces an almost 100% white screen that is incredible blinding even at the lowest brigthness settings.

Reduce display brightness

Is it possible to reduce the brightness of the screen even further as the lowest setting in the UX allows?

Using most of the devices apps without any other source of light is good as long a dark ambiance has been chosen. But after opening the browser and instantly produces an almost 100% white screen that is incredible blinding even at the lowest brigthness settings.