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posted 2014-01-07 22:09:17 +0200

Maps: controls need improving

The main advantage of the Jolla interface is that it largely avoids the major drawback of touch interfaces: being fiddly. However, the Jolla maps application is an exception in having some fiddly controls.

As it is, it centers and locks on the current location with a long press. The user interface doesn't afford this. I couldn't figure it out at first, then did it by accident, then checked the manual, then couldn't do it on purpose, as I kept moving the map around ever so slightly instead of pressing it. I'd prefer to have a visible toggle instead.

Another control that needs improving is the edge tap (is there such a thing? I'm still not quite sure.) It's easy to miss, and if missed, throws the map off target. This would also benefit from a different, less fiddly control.

Moreover, there are two patterns on the lower corners, the dot and the HERE text, that look a bit like controls, but I'm still not sure if they are.

Maps: controls need improving

The main advantage of the Jolla interface is that it largely avoids the major drawback of touch interfaces: being fiddly. However, the Jolla maps application is an exception in having some fiddly controls.

As it is, it centers and locks on the current location with a long press. The user interface doesn't afford this. I couldn't figure it out at first, then did it by accident, then checked the manual, then couldn't do it on purpose, as I kept moving the map around ever so slightly instead of pressing it. I'd prefer to have a visible toggle instead.

Another control that needs improving is the edge tap (is there such a thing? I'm still not quite sure.) It's easy to miss, and if missed, throws the map off target. This would also benefit from a different, less fiddly control.

Moreover, there are two patterns on the lower corners, the dot and the HERE text, that look a bit like controls, i.e. afford a tap, but I'm still not sure if they are.

Maps: controls need improving

The main advantage of the Jolla interface is that it largely avoids the major drawback of touch interfaces: being fiddly. However, the Jolla maps application is an exception in having some fiddly controls.

As it is, it centers and locks on the current location with a long press. The user interface doesn't afford this. I couldn't figure it out at first, then did it by accident, then checked the manual, then couldn't do it on purpose, as I kept moving the map around ever so slightly instead of pressing it. I'd prefer to have a visible toggle instead.

Another control that needs improving is the edge tap (is there such a thing? I'm still not quite sure.) It's easy to miss, and if missed, throws the map off target. This would also benefit from a different, less fiddly control.

Moreover, there are two patterns on the lower corners, the dot and the HERE text, that look a bit like controls, i.e. afford a tap, but I'm still not sure if they are.

Maps: controls need improving

The main advantage of the Jolla interface is that it largely avoids the major drawback of touch interfaces: being fiddly. However, the Jolla maps application is an exception in having some fiddly controls.

As it is, it centers and locks on the current location with a long press. The user interface doesn't afford this. I couldn't figure it out at first, then did it by accident, then checked the manual, then couldn't do it on purpose, as I kept moving the map around ever so slightly instead of pressing it. I'd prefer to have a visible toggle instead.

Another control that needs improving is the edge tap (is there such a thing? I'm still not quite sure.) It's easy to miss, and if missed, throws the map off target. This would also benefit from a different, less fiddly control.

Moreover, there are two patterns on the lower corners, the dot and the HERE text, that look a bit like controls, i.e. afford a tap, but I'm still not sure if they are.