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posted 2015-11-19 23:10:33 +0200

Paid Updates to support Development - what do you think?

Hi everyone,

as we all know by now, Jolla is curretly facing financial problems. In order to secure some revenue, would you be open to paying for updates, instead of getting them for free? What do you think? Any other ideas on how to keep the ship afloat?

P.d. I want to thank all sailors for all their work and effort. I really like my phone. Thanks!

Paid Updates to support Development - what do you think?

Hi everyone,

as we all know by now, Jolla is curretly facing financial problems. In order to secure some revenue, would you be open to paying for updates, instead of getting them for free? What do you think? Any other ideas on how to keep the ship afloat?

P.d. I want to thank all sailors for all their work and effort. I really like my phone. Thanks!

Edit 2015-11-20: Thanks for all the great aswers everyone. After reading all of the arguments posted here I decided that this might not be such a good idea. I agree that this would only promote fragmentation and be harmful on the long run. I think the most realistic solution would be for Jolla to focus on delivering a stable OS, no thing more and nothing less, for free, while generating revenue from paid apps/harbour transactions and additional services (f.e. Alien Dalvik, buissness solutions, etc. ). Sailfish OS should be open sourced to widen its adoption and improve community involvement. Thats my current opinion. Thanks for the brainstorming guys. Cheers!

Paid Updates to support Development - what do you think?

Hi everyone,

as we all know by now, Jolla is curretly facing financial problems. In order to secure some revenue, would you be open to paying for updates, instead of getting them for free? What do you think? Any other ideas on how to keep the ship afloat?

P.d. I want to thank all sailors for all their work and effort. I really like my phone. Thanks!

Edit 2015-11-20: Thanks for all the great aswers everyone. After reading all of the arguments posted here I decided that this might not be such a good idea. I agree that this would only promote fragmentation and be harmful on the long run. I think the most realistic solution would be for Jolla to focus on delivering a stable OS, no thing nothing more and nothing less, for free, while generating revenue from paid apps/harbour transactions and additional services (f.e. Alien Dalvik, buissness solutions, etc. ). Sailfish OS should be open sourced to widen its adoption and improve community involvement. Thats my current opinion. Thanks for the brainstorming guys. Cheers!