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posted 2015-11-21 08:47:15 +0200

Yes, Jolla can - still deliver phones

Because some ask, I make this an announcment: I ordered my phone last Friday and just received it yesterday. So besides the financial trouble Jolla experiences right now, they still deliver phones.

Jolla is alive!

Yes, Jolla can - still deliver phonesphones [Sold out at least for now]

Because some ask, I make this an announcment: I ordered my phone last Friday and just received it yesterday. So besides the financial trouble Jolla experiences right now, they still deliver phones.

Jolla is alive!

Yes, Jolla can - still deliver phones [Sold out at least for now]phones

Because some ask, I make this an announcment: I ordered my phone last Friday and just received it yesterday. So besides the financial trouble Jolla experiences right now, they still deliver phones.

Jolla is alive!