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posted 2015-11-25 12:59:49 +0200

Jolla Tablet

Hello, Could you please tell me what will happen with my Jolla Tablet order? I joined the tablet campaign via Indiegogo on 16 Dec. 2014.

Best regards,

Jimmy Nilsson Rosenbergsgatan 24 A 25444 Helsingborg Sweden

Tel: +46 739222000

Jolla Tablet

Hello, Could you please tell me what will happen with my Jolla Tablet order? I joined the tablet campaign via Indiegogo on 16 Dec. 2014.

Best regards,

Jimmy Nilsson Rosenbergsgatan 24 A 25444 Helsingborg Sweden

Tel: +46 739222000Nilsson

What happens with Jolla TabletTablet order

Hello, Could you please tell me what will happen with my Jolla Tablet order? I joined the tablet campaign via Indiegogo on 16 Dec. 2014.

Best regards,

Jimmy Nilsson