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1 | initial version | posted 2015-12-04 06:57:29 +0200 |
Is there any good book, that introduces a new developer to the SalifishOS / Jolla development?
I'm taking about a book for people that are new to the platform, not to programming.
Something in the style of:
There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together, if you want to program:
a decent applications, that e.g. uses:
build a TOH
I'm a seasoned developer. And I find it hard to collect all the pieces.
IMHO a good book could attract a lot more developers to the system.
2 | retagged |
Is there any good book, that introduces a new developer to the SalifishOS / Jolla development?
I'm taking about a book for people that are new to the platform, not to programming.
Something in the style of:
There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together, if you want to program:
a decent applications, that e.g. uses:
build a TOH
I'm a seasoned developer. And I find it hard to collect all the pieces.
IMHO a good book could attract a lot more developers to the system.
3 | No.3 Revision |
Is there any good book, that introduces a new developer to the SalifishOS / Jolla development?
I'm taking talking about a book for people that are new to the platform, not to programming.
Something in the style of:
There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together, if you want to program:
a decent applications, that e.g. uses:
build a TOH
I'm a seasoned developer. And I find it hard to collect all the pieces.
IMHO a good book could attract a lot more developers to the system.