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posted 2014-01-09 00:27:43 +0300

[language] thai in Jolla

My wife and therefore a notable part of my family are Thai. Is it planned to add Thai language support in Jolla one day? Certainly my stepson would be interested in having a Jolla device.

Currently it is not the most important one, but might be helpful to further spread Jolla around the world

[language] thai in Jolla

My wife and therefore a notable part of my family are Thai. Is it planned to add Thai language support in Jolla one day? Certainly my stepson would be interested in having a Jolla device.

Currently it is not the most important one, but might be helpful to further spread Jolla around the world

[language] thai in Jolla

My wife and therefore a notable part of my family are Thai. Is it planned to add Thai language support in Jolla one day? Certainly my stepson would be interested in having a Jolla device.

Currently it is not the most important one, but might be helpful to further spread Jolla around the world