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posted 2014-01-09 17:00:28 +0200

Phone crashes - not starting without battery removal

I have had som unexpected crashed recently. Usually when in a android application. Ohone dies and I have to take out the battery for it to boot again. Otherwise the phone dies again during "Jolla" boot logo.

Phone crashes - not starting without battery removal

I have had som unexpected crashed recently. Usually when in a android application. Ohone Phone dies and I have to take out the battery for it to boot again. Otherwise the phone dies again during "Jolla" boot logo.

Phone crashes - not starting without battery removal

I have had som unexpected crashed recently. Usually when in a android application. Phone dies and I have to take out the battery for it to boot again. Otherwise the phone dies again during "Jolla" boot logo.

Phone crashes - not starting without battery removal

Closing as a duplicate. This issue can be discussed at https://together.jolla.com/question/7144/jolla-randomly-shuts-down/

I have had som unexpected crashed recently. Usually when in a android application. Phone dies and I have to take out the battery for it to boot again. Otherwise the phone dies again during "Jolla" boot logo.