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posted 2016-01-27 00:42:52 +0200

Battery behavior Saimaa

I would like to submit to the community my case: I purchased the JP1 with SFOS2 ( installed. I noticed, with normal use, not intensive, that the behavior of the battery is very strange: it is discharging by 20% in just 1 hour of use (3G), and hardly, starting at 8 AM, I can reach 10 PM with my JP charged.. I would expect to make 1,5 days..

I have only WhatsApp (Android) on autorun.

Here are some screenshots (for 2 days and 4 days).

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Battery behavior Saimaa2.0.0.10

I would like to submit to the community my case: I purchased the JP1 with SFOS2 ( installed. I noticed, with normal use, not intensive, that the behavior of the battery is very strange: it is discharging by 20% in just 1 hour of use (3G), and hardly, starting at 8 AM, I can reach 10 PM with my JP charged.. I would expect to make 1,5 days..

I have only WhatsApp (Android) on autorun.

Here are some screenshots (for 2 days and 4 days).

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Battery behavior

I would like to submit to the community my case: I purchased the JP1 with SFOS2 ( installed. I noticed, with normal use, not intensive, that the behavior of the battery is very strange: it is discharging by 20% in just 1 hour of use (3G), and hardly, starting at 8 AM, I can reach 10 PM with my JP charged.. I would expect to make 1,5 days..

I have only WhatsApp (Android) on autorun.

Here are some screenshots (for 2 days and 4 days).

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