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posted 2016-01-30 12:41:25 +0200

IPv6 and Android Support

I am at FOSDEM 2016 and observed that my Android apps (e.g., Signal Jolla Edition) have no connectivity when using the IPv6-only FOSDEM WiFI network. The Sailfish OS apps work without problems. When connecting to the dual-stack FOSDEM-fallback WiFi network, the Android apps can connect. Is the Android support lacking IPv6?

Missing IPv6 and in Android Support

I am at FOSDEM 2016 and observed that my Android apps (e.g., Signal Jolla Edition) have no connectivity when using the IPv6-only FOSDEM WiFI network. The Sailfish OS apps work without problems. When connecting to the dual-stack FOSDEM-fallback WiFi network, the Android apps can connect. Is the Android support lacking IPv6?