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posted 2014-01-09 23:39:14 +0300

SMS predefined

Is it possible to define few predefined texts to sens via SMS?

SMS predefined

Is it possible to define few predefined texts to sens via SMS?

SMS predefinedPredefined SMS

Is it possible I would like to have the possibility to define few predefined texts pre-formatted SMS that could be quickly send to sens via SMS?my contacts.

For instance:

  • Hi [contact NickName]! How are you?
  • Happy birthday [contact NickName]!
  • I will be late. sorry...
  • ...

Predefined SMS

I would like to have the possibility to define few pre-formatted SMS that could be quickly send to my contacts.

For instance:

  • Hi [contact NickName]! How are you?
  • Happy birthday [contact NickName]!
  • I will be late. sorry...
  • ...

Few precisions: - "[xxx]" could automatically be replace by a contact or personal property (the contact name, your adress, the date, ...) - those messages could be defined globally (= for all contacts), but a comment from @diaz give me the idea to have also messages defined by user (defined in the contact app?). For instance for your wife / husband : "Don't forget to buy the break please", for a friend : "Lunch together today?", ...