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posted 2016-02-09 11:05:33 +0200

[Bug] Home screen blocked after calling

I've found that, after calling or a quick call-shut-down, the UI of the whole Home screen stays "blocked" in Phone-app mode. So, for example, without running apps, pushing volume buttons the home screen doesn't adjust ringtone volume anymore, but only speaker (app) volume, so that, no other calling's ringing can be heard. It happens almost everytime, except after a long calling.

Solution (for now) found: restart home screen.

[Bug] Home screen blocked after calling

I've found that, after calling or a quick call-shut-down, the UI of the whole Home screen stays "blocked" in Phone-app mode. So, for example, without running apps, pushing volume buttons the home screen doesn't adjust ringtone volume anymore, but only speaker (app) volume, so that, no other calling's ringing can be heard. It happens almost everytime, except after a long calling.

It is replicable.

Solution (for now) found: restart home screen.

[Bug] Home screen blocked after calling

I've found that, after calling or a quick call-shut-down, the UI of the whole Home screen stays "blocked" in Phone-app mode. So, for example, without running apps, pushing volume buttons the home screen doesn't adjust ringtone volume anymore, but only speaker (app) volume, so that, no other calling's ringing can be heard. It happens almost everytime, except after a long calling.

It is replicable.

Solution (for now) found: restart home screen.

[Bug] Home screen blocked after calling

I've found that, after calling or a quick call-shut-down, the UI of the whole Home screen stays "blocked" in Phone-app mode. So, for example, without running apps, pushing volume buttons the home screen doesn't adjust ringtone volume anymore, but only speaker (app) volume, so that, no other calling's ringing can be heard. It happens almost everytime, except after a long calling.

It is replicable.

Solution (for now) found: restart home screen.

[Bug] Home screen blocked after calling

I've found that, after calling or a quick call-shut-down, the UI of the whole Home screen stays "blocked" in Phone-app mode. So, for example, without running apps, pushing volume buttons the home screen doesn't adjust ringtone volume anymore, but only speaker (app) volume, so that, no other calling's ringing can be heard. It happens almost everytime, except after a long calling.

It is replicable.

Solution (for now) found: restart home screen.