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posted 2016-02-09 13:16:09 +0300

[question] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?
Thanks. Screenshot - space before first word

[question] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?
Thanks. Thanks.
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16 I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version
jolla-keyboard jolla-keyboard-hwr xkeyboard-config maliit-framework-wayland maliit-framework-wayland-inputcontext but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

[question] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version
jolla-keyboard jolla-keyboard-hwr xkeyboard-config maliit-framework-wayland jolla-keyboard

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

[question] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?

P.S. Already tried different ways, different fonts, but always the same result....
As example you can use my: https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/hebrew-vkb-simple
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

[question] [bug] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?

P.S. Already tried different ways, different fonts, but always the same result....
As example you can use my: https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/hebrew-vkb-simple
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

[bug] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update (

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?

P.S. Already tried different ways, different fonts, but always the same result....
As example you can use my: https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/hebrew-vkb-simple
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

Update: 13.05.16
v2.0.1.11 same bug still here...
Any ideas ?

[bug] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update ( - [FIXED in v2.0.2.45]

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?

P.S. Already tried different ways, different fonts, but always the same result....
As example you can use my: https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/hebrew-vkb-simple
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

Update: 13.05.16
v2.0.1.11 same bug still here...
Any ideas ?

Update: 20.06.16
Problem fixed in v
Thank Jolla (Pekka Vuorela)!

[bug] Right-to-Left vkb have problem after last system update ( - [FIXED in v2.0.2.45]

Hi to all..
After last system update ( I noticed about a problem in my Hebrew virtual keyboard that based on English vkb. Probably it affect all Right-to-Left vkb's.
Every time when I press on space bar it also add space before the first word (see screenshot).
What interesting, that it happens only in sailfish apps. In android apps it working as usual without any problem. And it started to happens only aftet last system update.
Someone know what I can do to fix it ? Which file and what exactly edit ?

P.S. Already tried different ways, different fonts, but always the same result....
As example you can use my: https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/hebrew-vkb-simple
Screenshot - space before first word

Update: 13.02.16
I reinstalled all this 5 packages from version

but still get the same result...
Any other ideas ?

Update: 13.05.16
v2.0.1.11 same bug still here...
Any ideas ?

Update: 20.06.16
Problem fixed in v
Thank Jolla (Pekka Vuorela)!