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initial version

posted 2014-01-10 00:46:40 +0300

Disabled clock alarms are shown brighter than enabled alarms

Currently enabled alarms are shown in the ambience highlight color, and disabled alarms are shown in brighter white. This is weird. While the indicator dot of course is dimmed, the large bright numbers rather overpower that distinction.

Actually, the name of the disabled alarm is already shown in gray — as should be the rest of it.

Disabled clock alarms are shown brighter than enabled alarms

Currently enabled alarms are shown in the ambience highlight color, and disabled alarms are shown in brighter white. This is weird. While the indicator dot of course is dimmed, dimmed in a disabled alarm, the large bright numbers rather overpower that distinction.

Actually, the name of the disabled alarm is already shown in gray — as should be the rest of it.

Disabled clock alarms are shown brighter than enabled alarms

Currently enabled alarms are shown in the ambience highlight color, and disabled alarms are shown in brighter white. This is weird. While the indicator dot of course is dimmed in a disabled alarm, the large bright numbers are visually rather overpower that distinction.more powerful.

Actually, the name of the disabled alarm is already shown in gray — as should be the rest of it.

Disabled clock alarms are shown brighter than enabled alarms

Currently enabled alarms are shown in the ambience highlight color, and disabled alarms are shown in brighter white. This is weird. While the indicator dot of course is dimmed in a disabled alarm, the large bright numbers are visually rather more powerful.

Actually, the name of the disabled alarm is already shown in gray — as should be the rest of it.

Disabled clock alarms are shown brighter than enabled alarms

Currently enabled alarms are shown in the ambience highlight color, and disabled alarms are shown in brighter white. This is weird. While the indicator dot of course is dimmed in a disabled alarm, the large bright numbers are visually rather more powerful.

Actually, the name of the disabled alarm is already shown in gray — as should be the rest of it.