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posted 2014-01-10 12:20:07 +0200

man command

I suggest adding the man and whatis commands to Sailfish OS in order to access manual pages for us Linux command line lovers. Many manuals are already there (/usr/share/man/), but cannot be accessed directly (example man bash).

man command

I suggest adding the man and whatis commands to Sailfish OS in order to access manual pages for us Linux command line lovers. Many manuals are already there (/usr/share/man/), but cannot be accessed directly (example man bash).

man command

I suggest adding the man and whatis commands to Sailfish OS in order to access manual pages for us Linux command line lovers. Many manuals are already there (/usr/share/man/), but cannot be accessed directly (example man bash).

man command

I suggest adding the man and whatis commands to Sailfish OS in order to access manual pages for us Linux command line lovers. Many manuals are already there (/usr/share/man/), but cannot be accessed directly (example man bash).

man command

I suggest adding the man and whatis commands to Sailfish OS in order to access manual pages for us Linux command line lovers. Many manuals are already there (/usr/share/man/), but cannot be accessed directly (example man bash).