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posted 2016-04-13 10:11:30 +0200

openvpn dhcp-option dns not working

The client option dhcp-option dns is not working anymore with with native openvpn and SecureFishNet. Are there any hints to insert (and delete) a legal resolv-entry when building the tunnel?

openvpn dhcp-option dns not working

The client option dhcp-option dns is not working anymore with with native openvpn and SecureFishNet. Are there any hints to insert (and delete) a legal resolv-entry when building the tunnel?

Is there any working description for building up an openvpn tunnel via connman?

openvpn dhcp-option dns not working

The client option dhcp-option dns is not working anymore with with native openvpn solo and in addition SecureFishNet. Are there any hints to insert (and delete) a legal resolv-entry when building the tunnel?

Is there any working description for building up an openvpn tunnel via connman?