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posted 2014-01-11 15:43:02 +0300

Homescreen bug: when opening >9 apps you can't scroll down

I tried to open more than 9 apps. What happened is that on home screen I can't scroll down to find the apps first opened. However when trying to close apps, little Xs appear and you're able to scroll ok. Others have this bug aswell? Needs fixing!

Homescreen bug: when opening >9 apps you can't scroll down

I tried to open more than 9 apps. What happened is that on home screen I can't scroll down to find the apps first opened. However when trying to close apps, little Xs appear and you're able to scroll ok. Others have this bug aswell? Needs fixing!

Homescreen bug: when opening >9 apps you can't scroll down

I tried to open more than 9 apps. What happened is that on home screen I can't scroll down to find the apps first opened. However when trying to close apps, little Xs appear and you're able to scroll ok. Others have this bug aswell? Needs fixing!