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posted 2016-07-24 14:18:37 +0300

SailfishOS Core + OpenSource UI

According to the schematic at the end of the sailfishos about page, the core is almost fully open source. While the UI is not.

I do not know how appropriate this question is for this forum, but I want to know if anyone has used this core and put an extant open-source UI (say, from plasma-mobile) on top? What are the obstacles to doing this? Are there any open-source UIs available?

I ask this because I just joined this forum, and upon browsing, a lot of posts are about the non open-source nature of the UI & Silica.

SailfishOS Core + OpenSource UI

According to the schematic at the end of the sailfishos about page, the core is almost fully open source. While the UI is not.

I do not know how appropriate this question is for this forum, but I want to know if anyone has used this core and put an extant open-source UI (say, from plasma-mobile) on top? What are the obstacles to doing this? Are there any open-source UIs available?

I ask this because I just joined this forum, and upon browsing, a lot of posts are about the non open-source nature of the UI & Silica. I understand that there are a lot of hurdles to turning the UI open-source, and I am hoping jolla will be able to stand on its own feet and turn all of it open-source soon. My question stems from me wondering why no one has done this.