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posted 2016-07-29 20:28:35 +0200

Jolla C UI lag

Has anybody else noticed hiccups in UI navigation on his Jolla C? It's particularly noticeable with ComboBox controls and page transitions and I was wondering if that's due to the early access nature of the OS build or if anything else is at fault. On my Jolla 1 running 2.0.1 everything animates fluidly, no problems whatsoever.

Jolla C UI lag

Has anybody else noticed hiccups in UI navigation on his Jolla C? It's particularly noticeable with ComboBox controls and page transitions and I was wondering if that's due to the early access nature of the OS build or if anything else is at fault. On my Jolla 1 running 2.0.1 everything animates fluidly, no problems whatsoever.