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posted 2016-08-01 19:12:57 +0200

Add 'Flashlight switch' (introduced in 2.0.2) to Lock Screen options

There is nice feature introduced in Sailfish 2.0.2: "'Flashlight switch' for events view Actions and shortcuts".

It would be also nice to have possibility to add 'Flashlight switch' to the Lock Screen pulley menu (in Settings > Lock Screen options). And ideally, it should work properly even if device is locked which was problem with great Flashlight app previously (can't find it now on Jolla C) available in Store (you was unable to switch it of without unlocking the device).

Add 'Flashlight switch' (introduced in 2.0.2) to Lock Screen options

There is nice feature introduced in Sailfish 2.0.2: "'Flashlight switch' for events view Actions and shortcuts".

It would be also nice to have possibility to add 'Flashlight switch' to the Lock Screen pulley menu (in (through Settings > Lock Screen options). And ideally, it should work properly even if device is locked which was problem with great Flashlight app previously (can't find it now on Jolla C) available in Store (you was unable to switch it of without unlocking the device).

Add 'Flashlight switch' (introduced in 2.0.2) to Lock Screen options

There is nice feature introduced in Sailfish 2.0.2: "'Flashlight switch' for events view Actions and shortcuts".

It would be also nice to have possibility to add 'Flashlight switch' to the Lock Screen pulley menu (through Settings > Lock Screen options). And ideally, it should work properly even if device is locked which was problem with great Flashlight app previously (can't find it now on Jolla C) available in Store (you was unable to switch it of off without unlocking the device).