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posted 2016-08-02 13:37:54 +0300

ANB gravatar image

Has SFOS gained the ability to stay on the latest installed version/update?

In the early access of Aurajoki, has SFOS gained the ability to prevent rollback to a very old version if it is factory reset, and always stay on the latest installed version/update of SFOS(by just removing all user data, apps, accounts, media etc. instead of SFOS updates at all)? Or is it still the same old dumb way/issue with factory reset and updates? Apart from that, has the Android Support app been updated to incorporate APIs of a newer Android version than Jelly Bean 4.1.2 on Jolla Smartphone including ART instead of AlienDALVIK? Latest Android Marshmallow APIs(or better still, Android Nougat APIs in a future iteration of SFOS wiht ART) for all Sailfish OS devices are most welcome and will be most appreciated, cause they are also the most anticipated.

Has SFOS gained the ability to stay on the latest installed version/update?

In the early access of Aurajoki, has SFOS gained the ability to prevent rollback to a very old version if it is factory reset, and always stay on the latest installed version/update of SFOS(by just removing all user data, apps, accounts, media etc. instead of SFOS updates at all)? all) no matter what or how many times the same is reset? Or is it still the same old dumb way/issue with factory reset and updates? Apart from that, has the Android Support app been updated to incorporate APIs of a newer Android version than Jelly Bean 4.1.2 on Jolla Smartphone including ART instead of AlienDALVIK? Latest Android Marshmallow APIs(or better still, Android Nougat APIs in a future iteration of SFOS wiht ART) for all Sailfish OS devices are most welcome and will be most appreciated, cause they are also the most anticipated.

Has SFOS gained the ability to stay on the latest installed version/update?

In the early access of Aurajoki, has SFOS gained the ability to prevent rollback to a very old version if it is factory reset, and always stay on the latest installed version/update of SFOS(by just removing all user data, apps, accounts, media etc. instead of SFOS updates at all) no matter what or how many times the same is reset? Or is it still the same old dumb way/issue with factory reset and updates? Apart from that, has the Android Support app been updated to incorporate APIs of a newer Android version than Jelly Bean 4.1.2 on Jolla Smartphone including ART instead of AlienDALVIK? Latest Android Marshmallow APIs(or better still, Android Nougat APIs in a future iteration of SFOS wiht ART) for all Sailfish OS devices are most welcome and will be most appreciated, cause they are also the most anticipated.

Has SFOS gained the ability to stay on the latest installed version/update?

In the early access of Aurajoki, has SFOS gained the ability to prevent rollback to a very old version if it is factory reset, and always stay on the latest installed version/update of SFOS(by just removing all user data, apps, accounts, media etc. instead of SFOS updates at all) no matter what or how many times the same is reset? Or is it still the same old dumb way/issue with factory reset and updates? Apart from that, has the Android Support app been updated to incorporate APIs of a newer Android version than Jelly Bean 4.1.2 on Jolla Smartphone including ART instead of AlienDALVIK? Latest Android Marshmallow APIs(or better still, Android Nougat APIs in a future iteration of SFOS wiht ART) for all Sailfish OS devices are most welcome and will be most appreciated, cause they are also the most anticipated.

Has SFOS gained the ability to stay on the latest installed version/update?

In the early access of Aurajoki, has SFOS gained the ability to prevent rollback to a very old version if it is factory reset, and always stay on the latest installed version/update of SFOS(by just removing all user data, apps, accounts, media etc. instead of SFOS updates at all) no matter what or how many times the same is reset? Or is it still the same old dumb way/issue with factory reset and updates? Apart from that, has the Android Support app been updated to incorporate APIs of a newer Android version than Jelly Bean 4.1.2 on Jolla Smartphone including ART instead of AlienDALVIK? Latest Android Marshmallow APIs(or better still, Android Nougat APIs in a future iteration of SFOS wiht ART) for all Sailfish OS devices are most welcome and will be most appreciated, cause they are also the most anticipated.