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posted 2016-10-21 19:27:10 +0200

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser![When Using Sailfish Browser]image description

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

Graphics rendering browser?

![When Using Sailfish Browser]image descriptionWhen Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

FYI: I am using Sailfish and see the artifact occur sporadically ever since using the phone, Aurora browser does not appear to have the same artifacts or issues. Turing Phone: Screen 1080 x 1920 5.5 inch diagonal

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

FYI: I am using Sailfish and see the artifact occur sporadically ever since using the phone, Aurora browser does not appear to have the same artifacts or issues. Turing Phone: Screen 1080 x 1920 5.5 inch diagonal

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?

FYI: I am using Sailfish and see the artifact occur sporadically ever since using the phone, Aurora browser does not appear to have the same artifacts or issues. Turing Phone: Screen 1080 x 1920 5.5 inch diagonal

Graphics rendering browser?

When Using Sailfish Browser

Has anybody experienced the graphics artifacts when using sailfish browser?browser?
Update August 3rd 2017: on Website loading i notice that screen now largely remains "white" blank until loading has completed of most of the websites i try using SFOS with Intex Aquafish. Blank Image during MacRumors Website Load Example What it should be doing is display partial graphics rendering, and at minimum load all the text, though i prefer the load graphics and display with right scaling at low resolution until full image data can be loaded, basically it would use the website and identify html size tags or style tags for size and prescale and preload.

FYI: I am using Sailfish and see the artifact occur sporadically ever since using the phone, Aurora browser does not appear to have the same artifacts or issues. Turing Phone: Screen 1080 x 1920 5.5 inch diagonal