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posted 2013-12-25 18:55:55 +0200

Power saving mode

Power saving mode is a must :) To activate manually and automatic settings depending on the battery life.

[feature-request] Power saving mode

Power saving mode is a must :) To activate manually and automatic settings depending on the battery life.


A customizable power saving mode could/ should have the following features/ settings which you could choose from how your (personalized) power saving mode should act like if activated:

  • time- and batterystate- settings for a personalized activation of PSM
  • dim display brightness
  • trim back connections (switch off "always on"-type of connections, do not sync mails, etc.)
  • ability to use only 2G instead of 3G/4G
  • turn the display into grayscale [also maybe with black background like on N9] (would make more sense with a AMOLED screen -> hopefully for Jolla 2)
  • deactivate unnecessary features