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1 | initial version | posted 2016-11-01 15:37:09 +0200 |
Sorry if this is to plain: Is there any official channel for new SFOS releases? I aware of "[release notes]" here @together as community portal. I have a more "announcement" like place in mind, like a mailing list or similar. One place to look at and not like @together a couple of posts/questions. Maybe also something that can be reached with less human interaction (I'm aware of rss feeds here but the place changes every now and then).
Sorry if this is to plain: Is there any official channel for new SFOS releases? I aware of "[release notes]" here @together as community portal. I have a more "announcement" like place in mind, like a mailing list or similar. One place to look at and not like @together a couple of posts/questions. Maybe also something that can be reached with less human interaction (I'm aware of rss feeds here but the place changes every now and then).